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Club Rules and Code of conduct for Gymnasts and Parents/Guardians
(Updated December 2023)
1. Arrival: Gymnasts and parents must arrive 15 minutes prior to their start
time to help get equipment out and 15 minutes at the end to pack away.
2. Entering the Gym: Under our Child Protection policy, parents must NOT drop
their gymnast off in the car park. ALL gymnast must be brought into the gym by a
responsible Parent/Adult who must remain with them until a Senior Coach or
Welfare Officer is present.
3. Late arrival: Without prior notification by phone, will mean the gymnast
will NOT be allowed to enter the gym or train from 5pm.
4. Jewellery: No Jewellery or body piercings of any kind to be worn during sessions by anyone
(Coaches may wear a flat band wedding ring only). The club will NOT provide the tape for ears that
have just been pierced. Anyone not complying with this request will not permitted to join in.
5. Viewing Gymnasts: Due to damage caused by another letting, the College has closed the viewing
Gallery until further notice.
6. Clothing: Gymnasts must wear a club leotard. Club Merchandise forms are
available at the beginning of each session. Merchandise must be paid for when
7. Bad Weather Clothing: Gymnast must come dressed suitably for the current
weather conditions in case of evacuation.
8. Gymnastic leggings and Foot attire: These must be purchased through the club.
All gymnasts to work in bare feet.
9. Hair: Long hair must be tied back securely (a loose scrunchie will NOT suffice).
Long plaits are not desired, as they can cause injury. The Head Coach will deny
participation if hair is not considered neat. Flat clips may be used but Bows or
accessories are not permitted.
10. Food and Drink: Gymnasts must not bring in fizzy drinks or any type of sweets or
food (unless for birthday celebrations) into the gym.
It is not the clubs responsibility to supply drinks or cups.
11. Payment of Fees: Fees cover a 10 week period, including school holidays.
With immediate effect, fees must be paid, on line or by card at the start of the session and on time. Failure to do so will result in termination of membership.
Fees cannot be refunded at any point, once the BG membership has been paid.
12. Annual British Gymnastics (BG) membership/insurance: This is due October
1st each year. Parents must agree to complete and then renew each year for any
Gymnasts under 16 years or they will not be insured as a member of our club.
13. Absences: Any absence of TWO weeks or more, without notification, will be
Regarded as termination of membership. If you are sick or on holiday please
contact one of the following numbers.
Members only 07916 75 34 56 or daytime 01322 409312
14. Medical forms/Contact details: To be completed each September.
Please notify us by email of any changes to their health or your Emails, address
or contact details.
15. Glasses: For safety reasons, any gymnast who normally wears glasses MUST
wear them whilst doing gymnastics.
16. Health: If a gymnast has been off school but insist they feel well enough for
gymnastics, they should NOT be brought to the session.
17. Injury: Any gymnasts who wears a support without a doctor’s letter, will not be
permitted to train until we have a note or email from the medical professional
to say they fit to continue including on their return after any injury, as we do
not allow working with any injury even if they were caused outside of the club.
18. Data Protection: Gymnasts details will be held on the clubs secure systems.
Details will NOT be passed to third parties except BG nor without permission.
19. Mobiles: Gymnasts mobiles must be in their bag on silent duration their session.
We are not responsible for any loss or damage. Coaches are
allowed to use devices to aid training but recordings must be deleted at the end
of that session.
20. Rights and Respect for all: Everyone must respect club members, coaches and
21. Bad behaviour including, bad language or any level of bullying will result in
notification to parents and/or immediate suspension of membership.
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